Sunday, September 17, 2006

Wow...has it really been that long?

Well in my last post I was raving about Harvard and not-dating...and while one may expect me to have a dramatically different mind-set 5 months and a ton of new experiences later, I suppose the old adage 'the more things change, the more they stay the same' is rather applicable. Although maybe that saying is too simplistic; things definitely do seem to be changing and not staying the same. It's barely been two weeks since orientation and I'm still getting a feel for the place but there are already things I've been disappointed by, and already things that are surprisingly better than I expected. I'm also realizing how much I've changed since college, since being in a brand new place against a new backdrop of people can kind of make you realize those sorts of things. Well, I'm being uber-irresponsible writing this while I should be writing a Memo for Legal Writing, so I will stop there for now - unfortunately not really conveying anything substantial - and leave with the promise of more once I get a chance to catch my breath (which will hopefully be before next summer).