Sunday, September 18, 2005

Stupid Love Style Test

I took that damn personality/love style test four times (the one that said I now have a 'Sensible love style' because I had my heart-broken), trying to prove to it that I am indeed a Romantic and no roller-coaster ride college-relationship took that from me. Do you know it told me all four times that I am Sensible? (And had the nerve to try to remind me that I must've had my heart-broken. Yes i know. I didn't forget. Thanks.) I was even trying to answer questions differently that I thought would give me more 'romance' points, but it still kept telling me I'm Sensible. Sensible's boring. I've decided. I'm a Romantic, damnit. And I'll live and die as one. I don't care if it's not safe; you can't live your whole life being 'safe'. I'm decided. So shouldn't that know-it-all test be able to pick that up?

After about the third or fourth time, I started to realize which questions were losing the battle for me. Things like "He's not the right person unless I feel constant euphoria around him," "I feel comfortable opening up to romantic partners". These are both examples of things I didn't want to go to extremes on. Yea, you've gotta feel good around your soul mate - but I mean, come on. I couldn't genuinely say that I think you have to feel euphoria all the time. This is a relationship with another human being we're talking about, not a trip on Ecstasy. And that means sometimes you're going to have a disagreement, or need time to yourself. Not kicking and screaming and throwing stuff. But not the emotional equivalent of a mood-enhancing drug. And yea, you've got to be able to open up and trust your true love, but you can't go around treating everyone like they qualify. Not everyone deserves to know all your personal business. I'll admit it. I have been guilty of being an emotional slut (a term I adopted from 'Sex and the City' ;)) - I told too much too soon. It causes unecessary complications (just like doing too much of other stuff too soon), and I think it's a good thing to avoid. It's true that when I was younger I probably would've answered these questions differently. Does that mean I'm not Romantic anymore? No. It means I'm not in a state of perpetual emotional infancy. People learn and grow (at least they should). Does it mean that I've undergone some irrevocable damage at the hands of a careless lover? No. It means that I've learned from it. We're talking about Romantics here - not idiots. So, yes, I've outgrown my teenage naiveté, my childish innocence, my belief in the tooth-fairy. But somehow I still maintain a sense of wonder, a sort of knowledgeable-innocence (that comes from a combination of negative experiences and hope), and a solid belief in real-life fairy tales.

I'm a Sensible Romantic. And that's real.

Love Style Test - I Scoff at Thee.