Sunday, March 13, 2005

And Yeah...this is growing up

So, I am trying to make some big decisions here. I will be visiting a Law school this Thursday - Saturday for their admitted students weekend - they better pull out all the stops b/c my heart is almost completely set on being here. I do need to explore my options, however, which is why I've decided to go. I'm trying to be open minded - but I'm already planning my life out for next year and whenever I plan it - it's here. Maybe I should go somewhere new, though...I don't know. Am I holding on out of fear? Or is Duke really right for me?

I am not an indecisive person - or rather, I do not grapple with decisions for very long once it becomes inconvenient. And if you choose not to make a choice, something will inevitably happen to make it for you. So I will relax, pray about it, and this time next month (or probably even sooner) I'll except admission somewhere and I'll be "Audrey Christopher - _____ Law School Student - class of 2008."

And then come more decisions...where to live? I don't plan on going home for the summer....can I stay down here? oh goodness - water bill, electric bill, rent? And me on my own. Young, intelligent, attractive?, single, black female. What happened to my excitement...

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