Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A new chapter in this book called Law School...

I do believe my section and I have turned a corner as law students. I heard about it all the time - how we'd come to stop stressing/caring so much about everything. I must say, it makes class more amusing. Yesterday in property the teacher asked a question that a whole row of students didn't know, and the students were pretty cool with the not knowing. No embarrassment, no fidgeting, just an honest "I don't know what you're looking for". One student even said - much to my enjoyment - "Mmm. Why, that's a good question" then made it clear that he didn't know. Another student was pressed on a different question and passed it off to someone just returning from the restroom - "why don't you ask Kyle". The teacher turned to Kyle and re-asked the question and Kyle replied with "Sir. I have only just emerged from the bathroom." Ha. That cracks me up even now. A friend of mine decided to just close his laptop and get up and walk out of Torts one day. Oh and then there was the time when the teacher went over time, and someone turned their laptop off. The "Shutting down" music of a windows operating system echoed through the classroom in defiant protest. Oh, *sigh*, I will miss my section.

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